Replying to LO24883 --
Andrew wrote:
> How the boys impressioned unreasoned violence was re-loved and restored
> for you Winfried is evident from your caring account, we cannot know,
> but
> must simply imagine. I can revolve somewhat and express as imagined
> possible learning and see the 'God parent' as being the boy, I see a
> differing 'expulsion' and a differing 're-incorporation' of the meaning
> manage and nearer facilitation.
Without getting too much in detail, what 'did' it was the fact
that the boy through this situation realized that:
I hadn't rejected him as a person,
that it was as hard for me as it was for him,
that he from that point on understood and accepted that he WAS
different then most other children and
that he needed someone more 'objective' than his own parents to
help him shape his life.
The fact that he -when he chose to be baptized in a church- chose
me as his godfather shows that he understood that there was also
a spiritual/religious component in a connection/commitment
between two or more people.
The key learning for me was and is that I realized that in every explicite
fact of life there is always an implicite part included, whether I like it
or not. We only have to learn to transcend it through our observations.
This whole experience has contributed very much to the person I am today.
I am sure I am not alone in this kind of experiences, everyone has them,
they are there, right in front of you. It is just such a pity that
learning throughout the past years has focussed more and more on just
cognitive linear thinking and learning. That's why we so often miss the
point of the things that happen with us and to us.
Not being able to self-transcend the implicit is IMHO also the reason for
this enormous cap between what institutions and organizations claim to do
for there members and what they are actually doing to them! It is also the
reason why so many people come into conflict with - and feel more and more
alienated from the social environments they are part of.
I always combine Personal Mastery and Visioning in one session when I
introduce the principles of the Learning Organization. I let people share
a story from their life that had great impact on their lives to the rest
of the group. After we heard the stories we characterize them by painting
the implicit part on large flip-over sheets. Almost anyone -in retrospect-
distinguishes a learning they had forgotten about or had missed at the
time the story took place.
Winfried Deijmann
[IMHO = "in my humble opiniong"]
-- Mr. Winfried M. Deijmann - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artist, Consultant and Facilitator for Organizational Learning, Leadership and Action Learning Events <> Phone + Fax: +31-(0)575-522076 personal websites: International: <> Dutch:<>Corporate website: HORIZONGROEP - BUNNIK - HOLLAND: <> corporate email: <>
"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and dangerous without a loving heart."
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