How to Make Training Work LO24934

From: IVNS Raju (
Date: 06/21/00

Replying to LO24930 --

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 13:57:06 NProbst261 wrote:

>Why are you choosing training as an intervention? Is it based upon a
>sound needs assessment that truly points to training to solve a problem?

I subscribe to this and other views expressed here. Group interventions
and feedback systems do work effectively to bring about positve change in
organisations. But Here comes the question of credibility of HR/OD
professionals and the importance attached to the HR/OD function by the
senior management group.

The concept of the Internal HR/OD facilitators to help teams/work groups
and projects get feedback and insights may come handy in addition to
training. Rather the insights gained in the training into the human
behaviour can be translated in work situations only throuogh these

"IVNS  Raju" <>

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