How to Make Training Work LO24938

From: Susan and Matthew Maury (maury5@EMAIL.MSN.COM)
Date: 06/21/00

Replying to LO24910 --

Hello Julia,

I just returned from a training session on evaluating training impact and
effectiveness, and the principles might be helpful to you. The course was
based on a book, "How Do They Know They Know: Evaluating Adult Learning,"
by Jane Vella, Paula Verardinelli, and Jim Burrow (1998 Jossey-Bass).
Jane Vella is associated with an organisation called Global Learning
Partners Jubilee Popular Education Center, based in Raleigh, NC, which
specialises in adult learning principles.

The evaluation method centers on a philosophy of building training
programs around being accountable to the learners. Training programs are
developed by starting with the learner's needs, then building backwards to
the actual curriculum, using a method they term an "accountability
planner." It also goes into a discussion of the 3 levels of training
evaluation: Learning (the learners understand and can apply the new
skills, attitudes, or knowledge in the classroom); Transfer (the learners
take the new SKA's and use them in the work situation); Impact (the
applied SKA's make a change within the organisation).

Besides the book, Global Learning Partners also provide training in this
method. Unfortunately I don't know of a web site for them, but you can
write them an e-mail at

I am very taken with the principles of the evaluation process, and in fact
think they can be applied more broadly, to management strategies. While
the trainer often can only monitor or evaluate the Learning that takes
place within the classroom, if the accountability planner was expanded to
include management, Transfer and Impact could also be monitored and

Hope this is helpful,

Susan Maury
Director for Organisational Development
Habitat for Humanity - Africa/Middle East

> July 17, I am delivering a workshop with the above entitlement. I would
> like dialogue from the cyber gurus on the subject. Is there a method that
> you are willing to share to help HR managers, managers, and supervisors
> get the best results from training programs?
> Julia


"Susan and Matthew Maury" <>

[Host's Note: In assoc w/ ...

How Do They Know They Know? : Evaluating Adult Learning (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series) by Jane Kathryn Vella, Paula Berardinelli (Contributor), Jim Burrow (Contributor)


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