Replying to LO24939 --
(I have erased the [complex] in the subject line, for this is not a
complex contribution, just the contribution of one pixel. Rick, does this
make this mail to become the starting of a new thread in the archives? I
think that the intent of [xxx] is to qualify a single mail, not a whole
thread. Is this possible?)
[Host's Note: No, threads are linked by message number. ..Rick]
Chris Klopper wrote:
>If we all look at (with At) complexity we will not make it go away, we
>might just find a way to hang in there a little longer.....when we do so
>corporately we may call that a Learning Organisation.
My favorite example ('paradigma') for learning about complexity is our
ability to learn walking on two feet at the age of about 1 year old.
The task is incredibly complex and learning to walk doesn't make the
complexity go away or make it even simple. It is only that we learn to
master the involved complexity with ease.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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