Replying to LO25026 --
Dear At & Rick
> Hello At --
> Gavin said "tension between..."
> What did you see in Gavin's expression that makes you think he is seeing
> "tension" in the sense of multiplication of signed quantities? And not as
> the difference between them?
> I have trouble thinking that the "tension" between two big negatives would
> produce an immensely positive force.
> And, just to check... You say, "tension as difference will never be only
> negative." I assume you mean that the tension between two different
> outcomes will always be a force in the direction of one or the other, the
> amount of force proportional to the difference. Am I understanding you
> correctly?
> -=- Rick
Let me expand slightly on this issue, firstly then tensions have nothing
to do with postive and negative. (you can give it those terms if you like
but it creates the problem of one or the other)
I will share this in terms of emergence or the continuos field (remember
though as soon as I have done this it is a discriminated object hence a
variable and hence not in the contiuous field any more)
The hierarchy "could be"
the fear of rejection the need for recognition
the fear of worthlessness and the need for achievement
the fear of no identity the need to be seen
the fear of restriction the need for expression
the fear of betrayal the need for togetherness
the fear of poverty the need for abundance
the fear of ostracization and the need for affiliation
the fear of disease and the need for health
the fear of degradation and the need for harmony
(there are hundreds of these) note the variable is in tension both are
neither positive or negative, they are are bi-conditional meaning the one
is conditional with the other. (cannot use LEM here, the law of comical
Mathematics has no expression besides the Boolean concept of if-and-only
if, but they are also cross bi-conditional and parallel processing (only
the human mind can work like this). What I mean here is the variables I
mention above also effect each other. All mathematics is serial
processing. Now mathematics falls flat, it has no concept to deal with
this. (if you know of a way, you will become the richest man alive this is
the holy grail of computing and information storage usage and
dissemination, it is the thinking computer).
Remember the "variable" formula "the feared disadvantages and the hoped
for advantages" it is not just one thing but thousands of things in
another level "could be"
the fear of death the need to live
the fear of death the need to survive
the fear of starvation and the need to survive
the threat of death and destruction and the need to protect
the fear of oblivion and the pleasure of eternal life
the fear of failure and the need to succeed.
the fear of disappearing and the need for succession. (there is a major clue
between this one and the one above)
the fear of lossing and the need to win. (how about this one? what about sport
games we play?)
The levels are continuous either up or down e.g. the next level is the
aggregated levels of all human tensions and so on and so on in continuum.
(What could the next level be?)
The key for your tacit learning At is, this is what drives you, what is
it? You mentioned something in an earlier thread about frustration of some
of your work not being recognised by colleagues, (the internal motives,
what are they? What are the feelings associated with this?). You do not
have to share this with anyone. This has everything to do with Human
depletion deprivation and expansion and pleasure and desires and how the
energy is structured (or stuck) around that.
Another key At (What have I been doing?)
Another key ( What about our emotions, feelings are they associated to these
--Gavin Ritz <>
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