Embracing change LO25033 -Translation to German?

From: Winfried Dressler (winfried.dressler@voith.de)
Date: 07/05/00

Replying to LO25022 --


even if I could give a translation that would satisfy me, how would I know
that it is accepted?

But here is a source where you may find something useful:
Fritz Riemann "Grundformen der Angst"

Two of the four fears discribed are fear for change and fear for
stagnation. The latter may include embracing change. I like this book so
much because of the balance which it provides.

Liebe Gruesse,


>For the translation of a best-selling book
>on "Extreme Programming", I'm looking for the
>"accepted" translation of "Embrace Change".
>Is there anybody speaking german who might
>help out? Mille Grazie!


"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@Voith.de>

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