Stunning and beautiful. Thank you thank you. I shall keep this for my
Org.learning co-learners, for at the begginning of our time together (the
first few nights of the semester) we look at the way learning takes place
between Yaqui teacher Don Juan and his student Carlos, and the Zen master
and his student Eugen. From there we begin to discuss what a relationship
of co-learners in a learning community is like, as distinct from
traditional University learning models where the teacher supposedly knows
more then the students.
On Mon, 3 Jul 2000 12:41:05 EDT ACampnona@aol.com writes:
> Citation.
> By 1744 the American colonies had three degree-awarding colleges,
> Harvard,
> William and Mary, and Yale. These were based on English university
> colleges,
> teaching young gentlemen Greek and Latin grammar, rhetoric,
> mathematics and
> philosophy. In June 1744, after the commissioners of Maryland and
> Virginia
> had negotiated a treaty with the Indians of the Six Nations at
> Lancaster,
> Pennsylvania, they cordially invited them to send some of their sons
> to
> William and Mary College to enjoy the benefits of a classical
> education.
> The Indians considered the invitation. This was their reply:
...snip by your host...
Sajeela Moskowitz Ramsey, President - CORE Consulting
Center for Organizational Renewal and Effectiveness
2432 Villanova Drive/Vienna, VA. 22180
703 573 7050/ SajeelaCore @Juno.com
--Sajeela M ramsey <sajeelacore@juno.com>
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