Efficiency and Emergence LO25046

From: Gavin Ritz (garritz@xtra.co.nz)
Date: 07/07/00

Replying to LO25039 --

Dear At & lore's [ LOer's ? ..Host ]

You might want to read the thread on "Systems thinking or not"

Also you might want to check the background on the word kairos

Kairos is not the time of measurement but of human activity, of
opportunity: It is the time which appears in " Kairos pros anthropon
braxu metron exei" -Time and tide wait for no man- and in the name of the
Greek deity, Kairos, the youngest son of Zeus and the god of Opportunity.
Kairos relates to its close cousin kainos which signifies new fresh, newly
invented or novel, kainos in turn connects to kinein, to move from which
comes kinesis. In short the kairos family of terms, is concerned with the
movement of time, with change, with emergence of the new.

quotes from Jaques the form of time

see Aristotle De categorie vol 1 pp107
and Frank Kermode Sense of ending
and J Marsh the fulness of time
James Barr the Biblical words for Time
Elliot Jaques the form of time page 15

There was no cutting and pasting they were used specifically because each
have a meaning one is the binding of time and related to motivation " the
very subject we have been discussing all along" how we are motivated see
my last thread on the fear and hopes this is what motivation is all about.
Bound by those that have gone before us (the continuous field) and those
in front of us (mental or physical).
We are motivated by our fears dreads and hopes, I shared that with you
earlier. I trust you see the thread. You are also a proponent of I think
you say "tacit learning"

Nothing I say is meaningless unless that is want to prove. [ ?? ..Host ]



Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>

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