Replying to LO25043 --
>And, do I understand you correctly that your Problematic Paradigm Grid
>(though, of course, reductionist) is OK because you are aware that it is
>reductionist; others are in danger if they are not so aware? ..or if they
>don't emphasize this point enough to protect their followers from falling
>into the trap?
What can anyone tell is the furthest reductionist point of Love? I do not
care what form/content the love 'takes/makes' it to; an act, a thought, a
giving up, giving ;away, an abstention, presentation, a mark by an artist
on the paper or its erasure? I lived in the world up to twenty two years
before someone explained, ponted out the colour circle with its three
primary colours of yellow, red and blue giving various rises to violets,
oranges and greens, greens giving rises to olive greens, grass greens, sea
greens, apple greens, sour greens acid greens, bright greens, red tinged
greens by way of complex eye oscillations calling always out for their
opposites;-) and when I went out of the studio and into the fields and sat
under the sky to paint the green grass I discovered that the longer I
painted the more it changed and the more it changed the longer I painted
and one day I turned round, really fast and saw green following me...
along with all the other colours...of the rainbow. I had fallen out and
into myself, the only real trap?
Learned a good story from Lissack while he was preparing for his
'doctoral' work, about 'limited fighters'. Up in the arctic circle there
was a lone wolf who delighted in wandering turning 'set traps' upside
down, it was a skill he had learned and perfected. It pleased him and was
now by way of being habitual. One day he came upon a trap a trapper had
accidentally laid down upside down.
Awareness. About three years ago a mother who happened to be a consulting
professional spoke with me about her son who had learning
difficulties...he was probably a budding genius;-) anyhow, I desired to
open the dialogue at a distance, so sent images, fragments of works of
art, images by Paul Klee and Len McComb my own teacher. One of the images
was of apple blossom petals and stamens, looking like what? clouds..dunno.
The little boy's response I think I have spoken of before in a posting so
I will not repeat myself, but he wondered upon it all and worked with his
sister, Nicola who wrote for me exactly nothing of Len's blossoms. Her
mother wrote and told me this, "- Andrew I'm afraid Nicola Nicola won't
write anything about this picture, but she says they are beautiful and
keeps smelling them." Silly little 'unaware' girl, eh ? ;-/
Got to go, Bucket's just wandered in and he's huffing something about
Best wishes,
Andrew Campbell
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