Replying to LO22980 --
Dear LOers,
Maybe you remember that I took over a position as a coach for strategy
development for the manager of the product groups of our company 7 months
I've asked this list for help on how best to get started and thought of
prepare some kind of interview to get into the new context. I have
received valuable help from the list, public and private. Now I have been
asked to share how it came out, specifically on the background of my
interest in the theory of creative learning - and whether it has helped me
'in the field'.
Many of you have helped me, so here is my reply for you all:
May be I should try to answer my questions. But I didn't follow the path
of Interview of a Deep Kind, although in fact, this is what I did. I mean,
I didn't structure an interview before I went to talk to the manager. I
simply went in, curious about what I will encounter, compassionate about
their tasks, my competency on designing strategy and my still more
intuitive understanding of constructive creativity.
Now I am in my new position for 7 months. End of June I had a presentation
on the status of my work and further procedure to all manager up to the
CEO of the whole group. I didn't know that he would come, I didn't know
him, nor did he know me. After my presentation he came to me in front of
all others and he said how impressed he was. I can tell you, this is
nothing that someone like me likes, who prefer to act more from the
background. Nevertheless, it strengthend my position, one may say this was
the real establishment of my position after the formal establishment 7
months ago.
>> How would you structure such "getting into it" interviews?
(These were my questions to the list in LO22980)
You cannot structure it before you are in it. You have to resonate with
the frames of reference of the other person. The structure emerges during
the interview as the tension between current reality and the goal of
constructive creativity. This goal need not to be mentioned, however it is
unbelievable how clear it is that this is the real goal. The more you
commit to this goal, the more does the other person open itself, so that
the tensions become apparent. The rest is about how to organize the flow.
>> What is most crucial to achieve?
Trust. Trust in the common goal of constructive creativity.
>> What are the most dangerous pitfalls?
Hidden agendas. Any kind of acceptance of compromizing constructive
creativity for any sake.
I am reminded of my piano playing presentations as an adolescent. I wanted
to proof myself. I wanted to show how good I was. I was much more
impressed by myself than the others, fortunately for my self esteem, I
didn't realize that the others were less impressed :-). Here it is
different. I care for the development of business, the destructions I
encounter hurt me and it is good to realize that they hurt the others as
well, so that we can seek ways to overcome them. I am really happy in the
>> And generally: Do you agree with my approach so far?
No. I thought I had to prepare something special. The best and most
continuous preparation is my participation in the LO-list, caring for how
to foster constructive creations, and then let go any specific piece of
knowledge when in a meeting.
>> What other questions should I ask in above short list?
Go ahead!
>I'd be interested to hear how it all came out. In particular, I'm wondering
>if the study of deep creativity helped you "in the field".
It has just started to come out. And I don't study to acquire tools for
the field - I value the study as worthwhile in itself, so the study
embraces the field.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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