Applications to Geographical Communities?? LO25131

From: Roy Benford (
Date: 08/07/00

Replying to LO25099 --


Malcolm Burson gave me a nudge about your interest in applying the
learning organisation model to communities.

In the UK, there has been interest in applying the LO model to communities
and you might like to look at

I have spoken to several people who have claimed that it can successfully
rejuvinate communities.

I have used these approaches within my own local community. I am a parish
councillor which is the lowest level of 'representative' democracy in the
UK. The model is good but, in my view, there are defficiencies in
handling issues related to power, politics, and people (the pyschological

I shall be disappearing on holiday shortly but would be happy to expand on
points when I return in September.

Roy Bennford
Fulmer, UK

[Host's Note: Thanks, Roy, for your message. ..Rick]


"Roy Benford" <>

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