Replying to LO25122 --
As far as I know, Deming first applied it in an organizational context.
But as to who *created* the word, the first documented use of it I can
find is in Thucydides "History" in the fifth century B.C. And it's the
word in the Christian New Testament that is usually translated
Walter Prevalnig wrote:
> At de Lange wrote ,
> " who created the word metanoia. Perhaps Senge did it to articulate his
> own tacit knowledge."
> Dr.Edwards Deming, on page 95 of his book "The New Economics" also uses
> the word "metanoia" in connection with organizational transformation and
> provides his definition. This first edition was published in 1993. In the
> revised second edition , published in 1994 the reference to "metanoia" was
> deleted.
--"Michael D. Bush" <>
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