Dear Organization Learning Friends and Colleagues,
How many times over the past decade have you found yourselves telling
client organizations that they needed to be more aware of the dramatic and
constant changes in the global environment, and how they needed to be
ready to face those changes by designing more responsive, flexible, nimble
and out-of-the-box delivery systems and processes, and make better and
quicker decisions?
Probably many times, right? If so, here's an opportunity for you to make
one of those kinds of decisions -- and to do so quickly! Very quickly!
On October 4th - 6th , at the beautiful Ascutney Mountain Inn in
Brownsville, Vermont, you may choose to experience something quite
remarkable, a lot of fun, and something that could be tremendously useful
to your own personal and professional development.
During those three days, at the peak of the beautiful Fall Foliage Season
in New England, you can sign up for the tour of Jurassic Park!! No, not
the movie. This is a 3-day workshop called "Lessons From Jurassic Park",
an in-depth inquiry into how to navigate the uncertain terrain of today's
hyper-competitive, turbulent marketplace through the use of chaos theory
-- the emerging theory of complex, dynamical, non-linear systems.
Due to the fact that we were able to book accommodations on such short
notice, Laurie Fitzgerald and I have made a last-minute-leap-of-faith
decision to offer this program -- very similar to an immensely successful
workshop that we ran in The Netherlands last year. So here is your
opportunity to be nimble and flexible, and hopefully to make a quick
decision to attend!
To make this choice easier, we are offering this program at the incredibly
low price of $595 -- and this includes tuition, all meals, coffee breaks
and materials. Low, low rates for lodging have also been set aside and
are available at the Inn. Even lower rates for groups and early birds (in
this case, very quick and early birds). And you can even reserve rooms
that will accommodate the whole family -- and stay on for the weekend!
But book now!
If you are interested in the application of chaos and complexity theory to
organizations, this program will be of interest to you. In order to find
out more, and to register, please go to the Chaos ThinkSite at
Read about this program by clicking on "Lessons From Jurassic Park", and
go to the program information listed there.
[Host's Note: There may have been a web link when Jon sent the msg, but it
didn't get to me. Write Jon if interested... I'm sure this will be a
*very* interesting event. ..Rick]
If you have any questions, please email me at, and do
please pass this on to those who you know might be interested in this kind
of experience.
Jonathan Milton
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.