Dear all
Rick has asked me to respond on cybernetics. This is a large field that
encompasses many disciplines. However I will only chat about the field of
managerial cybernetics. (and briefly)
Managerial cybernetics that most would be familiar with is VSM. This is
the work of Stafford Beer. VSM stands for viable systems method. The VSM
concept looks at a system that produces itself. Then looks at other
systems that support that part of the system that produces the system.
The part that supports the producing system is called the meta system. (5
systems in all). This part includes also thinking about the system.
Ultimately the full system closes in on itself. Like the snake eating its
own tail. This system is also part of another system so in other words it
is recursive. This recursive nature goes on for ever and really has no
boundaries. Only the system in focus has a boundary but this is an
illusion. Because we choose just to focus on the system in focus.
The whole issue of complexity and variety has to do with how the systems
communicate with each other. Complexity in VSM is measured by variety
which is a state. So information, algedonic signals is what the different
system communicate with each other. Also these signals communicate with
their recursive structures. Communication is done via channels that have
constraints and nodes that do or don't have the capabilities to absorb the
variety. The concept of recursivity is very similar to the concept of
holographic theory.
An algedonic signal is the pain pleasure signal which I have spoken about
on many occasions. The VSM system includes people processes things and
Cybernetics is one way to look at managerial complexity. It is by no
means the only way. A human being is also a viable system with viable
parts that produce the human being. Viable does not mean totally
independent because if I sucked all the air out of a room then it is
rather difficult to be viable.
The law of requisite variety says that only complexity can absorb other
complexity and this happens naturally.
In Stratified systems theory (Elliot Jaques) complexity has to do with
information and how information is dealt with by the human cognitive
processes. This is also recursive. It goes on to infinity and is linked
to a future time horizon. If one takes Stratified systems theory and
overlays it with VSM one can just imagine how complex communication can
It is no wonder that human messages become confused. Frames of reference
can have subtle differences and the channels do not have enough capacity
to convey the appropriate messages.
What is important to know that all these theories are only thinking about
things. They are not the things themselves. It is important to remember
that we are not the thought we are the thinker. This is a very difficult
for most to understand this. It is like asking the sea not to behave like
water but like that the air and the sea doesn't even know that it is the
What most of these theories are trying to do it is take into account
recursivity, connectivity, dynamic states and how these different parts
communicate with each other. (a tall order)
Most of these theories have points of view that have slightly different
principles but none of them can be classed as the ultimate theory. Some
of the theories are actually methodologies and some both. Systems
thinking is also a cybernetics process as the output becomes the input for
the next variable. The concept of the return loop is pure cybernetics.
Systems thinking is more of a methodology which has uses depending on what
one is trying to achieve. It operates at a certain recursive level of
complexity and only one level really. It cannot hop between recursions, or
levels of complexity like VSM or say EKS. EKS is also a cybernetic theory
that has its focus on the producing part of the Viable system and its
environment, taking into account , inter connectivity, tensions and
bottlenecks that accrue because of variety attenuation.
Learning and adaptation plays a major role in the the subsystems of the
VSM and all cybernetic notions. However it is best to read the theories
oneself and get an overview that way.
VSM has also plenty to say about invariance which I introduced on another
thread. This concept is one of the most important because most people
confuse invariant factors (an unchanging factor like our son rising every
day, rules of the road, a school timetable etc) as the truth. I would like
to leave you with a concept of incredible importance in cybernetics it is
called the "parsimony of natural invariance". Meaning the scarcity of
unchanging factors.
have a nice weekend all
--Gavin Ritz <>
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