Replying to LO25170 --
You wrote..
>There is nothing in the articulation of a Learning Organisation as Peter
>Senge dit it to prevent the LO from adapting is Systems Thinking towards
>an "evolution friendly" version.
I have always felt that the organization which creates the culture for
rapid internal evolution was most likely to survive. But my intuition
also guides me to be cautious and not to get too cute. That is... try to
be so fluid that nothing substantial ever forms... no base ever sticks.
Isn't it key in evolution to coevolve with the landscape.. sometimes
changing rapidly.. sometimes staying put?
It sometimes appears that we think we can push this evolution process
towards our own ideals ....when really we are just along for the ride. Is
evolution along a path towards the spiritual... or is spirit just our hope
for something beyond death?
More questions for me than answers...
Take care,
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