The Next Wave in Web-Based Distance Learning
September 12-14, 2000 * Westin Michigan Avenue * Chicago, IL
Here is a conference that avoids sales pitches and vendor speeches to give
you insight into using web technology to deliver training and information
across your organization. Corporate practitioners will share their
experiences and reveal the steps they took establish, refine and implement
effective learning environments using portal technology. For 2 days you'll
see how to develop a learning portal for:
* optimizing corporate knowledge and learning
* building and managing a granular knowledge base
* collecting, filtering and disseminating corporate
knowledge through a central site
* creating an enticing learning environment on the web
* empowering subject matter experts to create learning modules
* and identifying the bottom line impact of implementing
a corporate learning portal.
At this unique conference, you will hear war stories and explore the
successes of Cisco Systems, Inc., Adobe Systems, Hershey Foods, Genzyme,
the Canadian Urban Transport Association, the United Nations, and other
training portal leaders.
With the know-how you'll gain at this event, you'll discover how to
leverage today's portal technology to deliver training and manage
organizational learning in your unique organization.
If you are interested in getting more info, please take a moment to review
the brochure at:
Web Brochure:
Or call Tony Yauch at 1-800-882-8684, or for more
Best Regards,
Doug Sohn
--"Doug Sohn" <>
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