Replying to LO25243 --
Hi Winfried
Winfried Dressler wrote:
> >You have had some reservations about EKS.
> Did I? When I was studying EKS, I was delighted by the truth I found in it
> and I had to learn that it is only a model and not the truth.
Excellent point only a model, truth has nothing to do with these models,
we are trying to get invariant factors and agreed paramaters-which of
course change over time.
> Looking for
> supplements I stumbled over Goldratts TOC.
Also only a model (I know TOC quite well), it uses the fact the there is
attenuation of complexity. Its capability of handling recursive levels of
complexity is zero. A major problem if one ones to take complexity into
> Surely Beer and Jacque also provide valuable supplements.
Also only models and definitely not the truth "however a far more elegant
model than TOC"
> Like Senge and last not least this very list.
Another good point, and is it also not then appropriate to say that our
view of spiritual matters is also only a model, that we choose to project
onto the world.
--Gavin Ritz <>
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