Replying to LO25257 --
Dear Dr. Dash,
although I don't expect to be of much help for you I sincerely wish to
thank you for your contribution, which resonates in many colors for me.
Regarding narrative break-offs something may be learnt from studies about
communication in marriages. Isn't the development of a marriage a
Secondly, how do you imagine the evolution of a narrative? Does it go
through digestive and emergent phases? Is a SCRIPT a word for the form of
the narrative? Are you then thinking of the 'dealing with break-offs by
means of changing scripts' as if some scripts (forms) will foster the
evolution of an existing narrative while others will cause a break-off?
You have given some quite convincing indications of changed scripts by
means of their effect on the narrative of astronomy or science. Are you
planning to derive what is essential for a script in order not to lead to
break-offs? It would be really fascinating to see the results you arrive
I see an important difference between justification break-off and
narrative break-off. A narrative starts 'Once apon a time', thus in the
past a follows a time line, where it may or may not break off, depending
(may be among others) on properties of the script (a more or less 'mature'
or 'complex' script leading to longer or shorter narratives). On the other
hand, a judgement starts today with a whole lot of knowledge and breaks
off back in the time line, so to say, with some 'non-justifiable set of
starting premises'.
It seems as if judgement has a fixed starting point and a narrative is
principally open. But I don't think so:
If we allow for the idea of emergent evolution of a narrative, then there
will be points in the narratives evolution where the script has to be
sufficiently complex (whatever this means) in order to bring the narrative
on the higher emergent level, otherwise it would break-off. Thus such
points may be called bifurcation points. In a narrative we would approach
such bifurcation point from the lower level and need to 'jump up'.
Considering the path of justification, may be we can think of arriving at
the upper level of a past bifurcation point when we arrive at those
starting premises - and that with an appropriate 'jump down' we can
continue the line of justification with the same openness as a narrative?
Do you recognise something in my writing that you are thinking of as well?
I am looking forward to the paper you are working on!
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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