Replying to LO25269 --
In a message dated 8/28/00 11:23:58 PM, writes:
> 1. How to deal/overcome with language barriers in a learning
>environment? 2. History shows the fact that different
>countries/cultures/languages have generated famous people with different
In Leo's writings a number of topics are covered. One of the questions I
read into the material is: Does one's native language drive behavior?
creativity? etc.
The Learning Company has published a number of interesting video and audio
tapes to which my wife (Lynn) and I subcribed and listen to together on
the back porch. One of the most interesting lectures is by Professor
Greenburg (San Fransico Univ. I think) on the History of Music. The
relevant point to the above is where Greenburg describes how native
language influences, drives, deterministic..... that nature of a composers
One great example on the difference is the German word "Deutschland" and
the Italian, "I ta ly". The Italian language's use of many sylables vs.
the german single sylable give a music composer much different material to
work with thus driving different outcomes in the music. How long could a
singer draw out Deuutshhhland" vs
IIIIIIIttttaaaaaalllliiiiiiiaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn. Obviously many more notes
with the latter.
Culture also plays a part......but of course how much of that was driven
by the language.....only a linguist knows?
Best wishes to all,
Michael Bremer
The Cumberland Group
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