Replying to LO25286 --
I've been watching for awhile and find this discussion germane to the work
we do in coaching--how do you measure effectiveness?
The thing that I notice more often than not is the work that
training/coaching does ahead of time to look at what kinds of things will
happen as a result of competence. When you identify, systemize and
measure those things, then you know.
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>This, of course, is the Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation. While
>this model may have been useful 30 oddyears ago when it first came out,
>in my view it has major limitations. Its major problem is that it is
>overly simplistic and so linear. Kirkpatrick speaks of the 4 levels of
>evaluation of training: 1) satisfaction (the happy sheets), 2) learning,
>3) application on the job, and 4) impact on the organization. Very
>little training is subject to meaningful evaluation (although the
>situation may be improving a bit). I wonder if the Kirkpatrick model may
>be part of the problem. ...
--"Mike Jay" <>
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