Replying to LO25269 --
Hello all,
I'm going to jump in and reintroduce myself. I logged off the LO list
some months back and resubscribed recently. I have a private organization
development practice in North Carolina, US and am currently working on my
PhD through Fielding Institute.
Rick referred to the evaluation methods for T&D, but wasn't sure who to
credit. The credit goes to Donald Kirkpatrick "Evaluating Training
Programs: The Four Levels." Jack Phillips recommends a fifth level, the
Return on Investment, in "Return on Investment in Training and Performance
Improvement Programs"
Both are available through for about $35 US.
kind regards,
Vana Prewitt
--Vana Prewitt <>
[Host's Note: In assoc with, these links...
Evaluating Training Programs : The Four Levels by Donald L. Kirkpatrick
Return on Investment in Training and Performance Improvement Programs (Improving Human Performance Series) by Jack J. Phillips
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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