OL and KM Simulation Now On-Line LO25331

From: Mark W. McElroy (mmcelroy@vermontel.net)
Date: 09/14/00


To all those of you who have been following the emergence of so-called
second-generation knowledge management and the associated convergence of
thinking behind organizational learning, knowledge management and
complexity theory, I am pleased to announce the launch of a free,
publicly-accessible, Internet-based simulator of organizational learning:
the Macroinnovation Simulator.

In effect, this is an application of systems thinking to organizational
learning, itself perhaps the first such application of system dynamics to
organizational learning to be produced in the form of a computational
model. This is not just systems thinking FOR organizational learning.
This is systems thinking OF and ABOUT organizational learning. In fact,
the model is constructed in the form of a learning organization, and
focuses on the dynamics of knowledge-making in human social systems. As
such, it is an attempt at illustrating how organizational learning and
innovation happen.

Of additional interest in this model is its grounding in complex adaptive
systems (CAS) theory, which by any other description can be seen as a
theory of organizational learning. Accordingly, the simulator reveals the
dynamics of group learning and community formation in human social
systems, and demonstrates the manner in which various learning- and/or
knowledge-related policies selected by managers can either inhibit or
enhance individual and organizational learning.

The Macroinnovation Simulator gives users the ability to make learning-
and/or knowledge-related policy choices, which are then applied to a
fictitious firm over the course of a simulated year. Each run of the
simulation concludes by reporting the effects of the policy choices made
on the rate and quality of organizational learning, or innovation. Just
as importantly, the financial impact of the same policy choices are also

This web-based model was developed by Macroinnovation Associates, LLC and
is free for the tinkering by the public at large. Enjoy it!

Experience the Macroinnovation (sm) Method Simulation by clicking on the
following URL:


Let us know what you think.


Mark W. McElroy


"Mark W. McElroy" <mmcelroy@vermontel.net>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

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