Vortex Preview Invitation LO25337

From: Jack Hirschfeld (jack@his.com)
Date: 09/13/00

Dear friends and colleagues:

I am pleased to invite you to a showcase of The Vortex Simulation. We
will be offering the showcase on September 26th at The McCall Field
Conference Center, conveniently located just outside of Philadelphia, and
in Toronto on October 24th.

The Vortex Simulation is a unique experiential tool for organizational
leaders to explore their own assumptions and what it takes to build
system-wide, organizational agility.

As you know, constantly changing turbulent business environments can be
frustrating and overwhelming to even the most prepared and capable people.
We all tend to hang on to what worked in the past, even when we notice
things are not working as well as they once did.

A major challenge in all organizations is getting employees (at all
levels) to understand the kind of thinking and behaviors required to be
successful in today's rapidly changing business environment: to replace
what worked in the past with what works today. The Vortex Simulation is a
unique tool to help do this. It is being used by organizations to help
them adapt and respond to business challenges faster and more effectively
than their competitors. Over the past several years, It's been used by
wide variety of companies, including Motorola, 3COM, EDS, Lucent, Hemosol,
Canon, Sun Life Assurance and The US Postal Service.

Based on the most current thinking and theories related to successful
performance in chaotic business environments, Vortex is fast-based and
very engaging. Participants in the simulation are asked to create the
start-up Vortex Division to propel a faltering company forward and return
it to a path of business success. They are charged with the task of
innovating its products and business model in response to a changing,
competitive environment.

As the organization struggles with issues of leadership, accountability
and product to market strategies, the competition and customer market
continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Streams of information from customers,
competitors and the market create chaos and uncertainty. Old paradigms are
quickly challenged. The division quickly realizes it needs to make some
radical shifts in its thinking and structure in order to survive, let
alone lead the company back to market leadership.

The rest you must experience! To experience Vortex is to know there *is*
a better way.

A participant from our June 22nd Showcase had this to say about her Vortex

"I was immediately engaged. Before I knew it, I became part of a
self-organizing system, with all the systemic restraints that I teach
others to avoid actually beginning to take hold of me. I highly recommend
it as a way to actively experience and learn about the paradigm that is
becoming the essential way to do business in the 21st century. I learned
a great deal about myself, as well." -- Dr. Gail Marien, Quantum
Alliance, Inc.

Attached you will find more details about the Vortex Simulation, the
September 26th Showcase, and a Registration Form. Please call Stu Noble
(215-836-2401) or email him at Stu3DL@AOL.com if you need more information
-- or if you would like to further discuss how The Vortex Simulation
could be positioned to uniquely address your organization's Leadership
Development and/or Change Management needs.

[Host's Note: Sorry, I don't distribute attachments. If interested, please
write Stu Noble per above. ..Rick]

I hope you will join us (and what will certainly be an interesting group
of colleagues) for this Showcase workshop, featuring the complete one-day
version of the simulation.

If you cannot attend the Philadelphia session in September, please contact
me about the October session in Toronto.


Jack Hirschfeld At the sound of your voice, heaven opens its portals jack@his.com to me; can I help but rejoice that a song such as ours came to be?

Trans*Form Group Enhancing Leadership Practices and Organizational Effectiveness Founding member of Global Consulting Group Certified facilitator, The Vortex Simulation

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.