Here are five new articles I collected on Performance management topics.
The articles range from tips on improving appraisal interviews, measuring
team performance and several articles on 360 degree appraisals. Enjoy!
In this issue:
* Improving Performance Appraisal Interviews
* Group Reviews Give Edge to Evaluations
* Feedback Effectiveness: Can 360-Degree Appraisals Be Improved?
* Measuring Team Performance
* Performance and Response Rate in Multirater Feedback
>Improving Performance Appraisal Interviews.
How the appraisal can evolve from a top-down evaluation into more of a
consensual management tool with a more positive emphasis on open dialogue
with the manager throughout the year, and the appraisal performing largely
a summary role. Purchasing & Supply 5/2000.
>Group Reviews Give Edge to Evaluations.
Benefits of 360 degree evaluation, with a discussion of who is ready for
360's, getting started, and delivering feedback. South Bend Tribune
Corporation 5/2000
>Feedback Effectiveness: Can 360-Degree Appraisals Be Improved?
This article article presents specific conditions under which feedback
might be less effective. or even harmful. Implications of these results for
improving 360-degree appraisal systems are presented. Academy of Management
>Measuring Team Performance.
Metrics can play an important role in helping companies to enhance their
new product development efforts. A new approach applies metrics in several
critical areas to measure and improve the performance of new product teams.
Research-Technology Management, 3/2000.
>Performance and Response Rate in Multirater Feedback.
Despite the popularity of multirater feedback in practice and research,
few studies have examined the issue of response rates in these efforts.
This study explored the relationship between performance, vis--vis a
measure of service quality, and feedback response rates in a largescale
developmental multirater feedback initiative using data from 538 senior
service providers, 4,446 coworkers and supervisors, and 1,617 clients.
Personnel Psychology, 7/2000.
To view the complete listing of 72 "Performance Management in the News"
articles go to:
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-- Jack
Jack Zigon
Zigon Performance Group Voice: 610-891-9599
604 Crum Creek Road Fax: 610-891-9055
Media, PA 19063-1646 USA Orders: 800-244-2892
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