Intro -- Maria Avdjieva LO25364

From: Maria Avdjieva (
Date: 09/24/00

Hello everyone,

I am Maria Avdjieva and currently am working on my master's project on LO
and approaches to quality/organisational excellence in Higher Education
(HE). While conducting my secondary data research I followed with great
interest some of the threads of this internet dialogue and feel that it is
time to introduce myself.

I believe that the topic of my project gives me the opportunity to
integrate my academic interests and significant international experience
as an academic staff member with my enhanced knowledge of LO and quality
to the benefit of HE. The objective of my pilot scale research is to
investigate how practising the LO disciplines (developmental directions)
is reflected in the approach to quality/organisational excellence of
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

So far I have not come across any empirical research on the LO/quality
link in the area of HE and hope that someone out there can direct me to
such a research, if available (of course, I am very hopeful about the
forthcoming "Schools that Learn' fieldbook). I also hope some of you would
have specific interests in practising the LO disciplines and/or approaches
to quality in HE and would be happy to share their insights and

As I am conducting this project on an international scale, I am very keen
to receive some pointers/referrals to prominent academics and quality
experts who share the spirit and interests of this Internet dialogue list
and have specific interests and expertise in HE.


"Maria Avdjieva" <>


Maria Avdjieva <>

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