Replying to LO25342 --
John Zavacki writes:
> I ignored the poorly written procedures, the rubberstamped work
> instructions and the other symptoms of compliance mentality and
> concentrated on helping people to understand all of the good things we
> could do and how we could do them. Now that they're habits, we've
> documented them, on an intranet, so that they can change as we do.
Isn't it strange how much energy people will devote to avoiding work, even
in cases (or especially in cases) when it would take less energy to do it
right, and feel better about oneself in the bargain? In this case, the
quality inspection/enforcement framework itself apparently triggers this
behavior -- the "inspectees" automatically "circle the wagons", taking the
situation as "us vs. them".
Is this another case where an attempt at forced learning actually inhibits
spontaneous learning? In John's case, however, it seems that the
foundation for spontaneous learning was solid enough that the organization
could actually digest the external "irritant".
--Don Dwiggins SEI Information Technology "The world that we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level as they were created." - Albert Einstein, 1946
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