I would like you to know that the institute for systemic coaching and
training, Austria, organizes the 1st world congress for systemic
1. - 6. May 2001, Vienna
I don't exaggerate if I say that the "who is who" of the systems thinking-
world is present.
e.g. Beer, Maturana, Gilligan, Zeig, Senge, Willke, Baecker, Varga von
Kibed, Ciompi, Rossi and many more
best regards,
Ragnar Heil
Freibadstr. 3
81543 Muenchen / Germany
fon: +49-(0)89-6519293
mobile/fax: +49-(0)170-8971182
"If you want truly to understand something,
try to change it." (Kurt Lewin)
--"Ragnar Heil" <ragnar@systems-thinking.de>
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