Was: S=(E-F)/T LO25380
At de Lange writes:
>By undoing (though authentic
>learning) a rheostasis or by breaking (through rote learning) a
>homeostasis, the system (in this case a person or human
>organisation because learning is involved ) can go to a lower level
>of "free energy" F once again.
As a strategist in a 130 year old, obviously viable organization (past up
to present), I am concerned with the adaptability to environmental changes
or even more important - if it works - with inducing favourable
environmental changes for our customers. This means, I am concerned with
the changes of future organization - somewhat a key-keeper of the
organizations free energy F.
Stepping in the past and looking from there to future from then (what was
the word for that in Africaans? Toe + future tense?) to see what did and
what did not work in our dealing with F, we came to the conclusion that
evolution, even with severe mis-decisions, worked out well while any
attempt to revolution put the company at a great risk. Discussions show
that the concept of evolution and revolution are quite intuitive and all
but clear. One manager may claim that he introduced a revolution in the
market and how successful it was in order to contradict the notion that
revolutions don't work out, while others see a typical example of
evolution based on solid existing capabilities.
The concept of rheostasis and homeostasis shed some light on the intuitive
concepts of evolution and revolution (for an old, established company like
ours, likely to be captured in labile equilibrium): 'Evolution' (as used
above) is the effect of undoing rheostasis by authentic learning.
'Revolution' (as used above) is the effect of breaking homeostasis by rote
(Let me state clearly that these are no definitions of evolution and
revolution, not even my. By no means! It is just a clarification of a
special use of these two words in a special context as depicted above. I
have used to be somewhat baffled by the discussions in our company,
because I was thinking of revolution as 'ordinate bifurcation, either
emergence or immergence' and evolution as 'digestive learning'. And this
is quite another use of the same two words.)
I am wondering how a homeostat can evolve constructively.
Is the best use of a homeostat to serve as food for the digestive learning
of other, more complex systems?
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@voith.de>
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