LOs and Higher Ed LO25396

From: Maria Avdjieva (m.avdjieva@auckland.ac.nz)
Date: 10/02/00

Dear Organlearners,

About a week ago I introduced myself (LO25364) and had a very warm
response from Harriett Robles, who had done a remarkable empirical
research on LOs in community colleges. This type of research appears to be
very scarce in the area of education and I am very grateful to her for
sharing her research with me.

Although there were no recent strings on LOs and Schools/Education, I hope
that some of you out there do feel strongly about transforming higher
education institutions into LOs and would be happy to share their insights
and experiences in practising the LO disciplines and/or approaches to
quality in HE.

I am still very keen to receive some pointers/referrals to prominent
academics and quality experts who share the spirit and interests of this
Internet dialogue list and have specific interests and expertise in HE.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation


"Maria Avdjieva" <m.avdjieva@auckland.ac.nz>

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