work and free energy LO25398

From: Barry Mallis (
Date: 10/03/00

Replying to LO25391 --

AM de Lange wrote:

> "Question Me incessantly and I will teach you."

This one phrase of yours, At, stood out like a grand stele among the
equations you submitted. While I do not allow myself the capacity--do not
avail myself of the intention--to understand you equations, your one
phrase reminded me of this story:

A man sits on a blanket, singing the praises of god: "Allah, Allah," pour
from his lips like sweet wine. Then, a cynic says, "So, you've been
praying all this time. But have you ever heard an answer?"

The man stopped in confusion, and fell into a troubled sleep. In his
state, he dreamed that Khidr, the guide of souls, was speaking to him from
behind a green bush. "But why have you stopped praying?"

"Because I have never heard anything back," replied the man.

And Khidr said, "But you yearning IS the answer."

Best regards,

Barry Mallis
The Organizational Trainer
Keene, New Hampshire, USA


Barry Mallis <>

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