How to Create a Theory? LO25405

From: Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (
Date: 10/04/00

Replying to LO25397 --

Quite an interesting set of comments. Howevere, to simplify and deny.

I can not believe that the human being began thinking in terms of theory
or using the process of theory only after someone could define the
process. Work backwards: what is a common definition of theory....does
the definition really only outline a process of a search for "how does
that work?"

Would an examination of non-western learning identify a new or expanded
theory on learning (or leadership)? Interesting question to think about.
My guess, yes. Why? Cultural expectations.

However, to stereotype the Eastern espoused philosophy of "all life is
learning" as unique or more meaning full goes a bit over board.

There may be cases of paralysis by analysis forming.


"Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR" <>

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