Leadership Learning Opportunity LO25461

From: Marlene Rodenbaugh (mrodenbaugh@handley.com)
Date: 10/13/00

We are looking for middle-upper level managers and consultants to
participate in a research project which integrates cognitive and
experiential learning in a workshop which focuses on leading change with a
more productive leadership style. Because this is a pilot program the cost
of $2400 will be wavered for a group of registrants. A detailed brochure
is available. The program will be conducted by the Institute for
Management Transformation, a non-profit group of organizational
professionals dedicated to the scientific discovery of how essential
personal and professional competencies are learned and applied in
organizational life. The workshop will take place at the Hilton in East
Brunswick, NJ from December 6-9. Hotel expenses have been reduced for
this program. For more information call or E-mail me. Registration will be
required by October 27th.

Marlene Rodenbaugh


"Marlene Rodenbaugh" <mrodenbaugh@handley.com>

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