I have just started my MBA thesis, which is in the form of an
organisational consulting project. My "client" is my CEO, and my task is
to operationalize our strategy to become a learning organisation.
Specifically, my CEO is interested in three things:
> How to organise the physical workplace environment to stimulate learning
> and knowledge transfer
> Are there employee performance tools specific to learning organisations?
> How to stabilise the knowledge base to protect HR processes
Right now I am quickly gearing up on the first point as we are planning on
moving our 100-person office within the next six months. My thanks to
those who participated in the thread "Workplace Aesthetics LO14655". I
will be checking out those resources shortly.
Peggy Stuart - pstuart@ctt.bc.ca
[Host's Note: Welcome, Peggy! ..Rick]
--Peggy Stuart <pstuart@ctt.bc.ca>
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