Replying to LO25585 --
Yolande van Tonder asked "for information regarding the implementation of
competencies into a research environment."
Dear Yolande,
I think there might be a couple ways to answer your question depending on
whether you are interested in individual competencies or group (i.e.,
department, organizational) competencies.
For the group competencies, I'd suggest the following resources:
1. Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C. K. (1994). Competing for the future. Boston:
Harvard Business School Press.
2. Utterback, J. M. (1994). Mastering the dynamics of innovation. Boston:
Harvard Business School Press.
These books talk about industries that have changed radically over time
(e.g., typewriters) and the characteristics of companies that succeeded
and failed in the face of technological revolution.
As to individual competencies, I don't know of any specific references for
the research environment. However, there is a huge literature on
individual competencies, much of which, I suspect, is relevant to the
research environment. Here, you will need to identify with one of the
hundreds of models there are to choose from and adopt.
Hope this helps.
--Edgar F. Johns, <> Johns & Johns Consulting, LLC 2906 River Meadow Circle Canton, MI 48188 Tel. 734.495.1292, Fax 734.495.1981
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