Replying to LO25581 --
>It doesn't strike me as immediately obvious that a structure consisting
>of other structures is necessarily more complex than the structures
>comprising it.
Thank you, Fred, you provide one of those moments, when something "rotely"
taken for granted becomes colorfully alive again when questioned.
Many managers realize some day that it is easier to manage a big
organization consisting of hundreds of empoyees than to care for their
marriage or the growth of their children.
Similarily, psychology of masses seem to be simpler and more reliable than
psychology of individuals.
But what does this mean, when we talk about growth of complexity? I think
that when I want to create a structure of a specific complexity and I have
elements to use of which each is more complex than the result seeked for,
it will be easy to build such less complex structures. Example: When you
have complex humans at your disposal most organizations consisting of them
will indeed be less complex than the individuals. Most - not all. And the
sheer possibility of - what would you call it, metanoia organization?
learning organization? is what keeps me going.
Psychology of masses dsicribe immergences, psychology of individuals seek
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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