Non-western Theories of Leadership -- Thank you LO25606

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 11/08/00

Replying to LO25569 --

Dear Organlearners,

Ray Harrell <> writes:

>In my work, leadership is based in the holistic term
>"diction" and begins with the person who is responsible
>for leadership. I would stress that this is probably found
>everywhere but this particular way of looking at it comes from
>(a.) my Cherokee culture and (b.) my training as a performing
>artist, as a conductor and in performing arts education.

Greetings Ray,

I have retained the "Thank you" in the topic because I want to thank you
for sharing with us your rich thinking on "diction". It has reminded me
again how much the open dialogue is iself a work of art.

Should we not make more use in the LO-dialogue of "holistic words" such
as "diction" and "stance". In fact, where can I get a comprehensive list
of such "holistic" terms arther than seraching for them one by one in

>Diction breaks down into individual and ensemble

It reminds me of how authentic learning "breaks down" into individual
learning and organisational learning. For me diction is to dictation what
authentic learning is to rote learning. It is like the difference between
a "dictor" (this word does not exist, but it describes you) and a

>"Governments want to control your language because
>that's how you control thought, which is basically the
>game they are in." George Carlin

I am glad that you have given this quote because for me leadership is
knowing, among other things, where the centre of control should be --
within the system or outside it. For me it should be within the system.
This internal leadership requires that other systems outside the system
should act with stewardship. In other words, leadership and stewardship
form a complementary dual.

>"Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by
>spending oneself that one becomes rich."

I am just as glad that you have given this quote also. The Law of Energy
Conservation (LEC) says that "energy" cannot be destroyed or created. The
"energy" which we refer to here, is technically called "total energy" and
symbolised by E. But we could just as easily have called it "raw energy".
There is a certain part of that "raw energy" E which is (in my sense of
"deep creativity") directly related to creativity. It is called "free
energy" and symbolised by F. It is this "free energy" which creates "free
energy" -- or, sadly, also can destroy it. This "free energy" creates
"free energy" by "diction" and destroys it by "dictation".

Dictators are "free energy vampires" of the worst kind.

This "It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich" involves what I
call the "creative collapse". It is a powerful way to regenerate "free

Leaders (as "dictors" and not as dictators) know tacitly (implicitly) how
crucial the "free energy" dynamics of each person is to live with joy and
love. My formalization of this tacit (implicit) knowledge and subsequent
reflecting it with information is no quarantee for leaders to know how to
deal with "free energy". Formal knowledge, acquired by rote learning, but
without tacit knowledge as its foundation, is not only useless, but also
leads to dictating.

>Since I was forbidden to speak my language in the
>reservation school, I learned to speak English with
>a native accent and morphemic usage.

What a tragedy whenever it happens wherever.

It happened in my country up to 1910 -- using Afrikaans (my mother tongue)
in public schools was also forbidden for more than two centuries. Then in
1948 apartheid became the law and in 1992 this law was finally repealed.
The retribution which Afrikaans speaking people will seemingly have to
pay, is the increasingly forbiddance of speaking Afrikaans in public walks
of life -- courts, offices, schools, etc. The new leaders of our country
since 1992 think little of languages other than English. As for English
itself, they consider it as primarily the means for becoming materially
rich. Many people with mother tongues other than English (at least a dozen
langauges having a million or more speakers) begin to think of the new
leaders as dictators themselves.

They are not dictators. They are being dictated by economy -- local and
global. Between 1948 and 1992 apartheid was the dictator -- now the
economy (capitalism) is the dictator. I followed the campaign for the
presidential election in your country with interest. In my honest opinion
it had too much dictation and too little diction to ensure a healthy
future for your country, irrespective of who will become elected. I would
suggest that your leaders ought to take care against the dictation which
they are increasingly exposed to, otherwise this dictation will move
through far too many followers also. They will then increasingly judge
these leaders as dictators as is happening in my country also.

Ray, perhaps your people should nominate you as a candidate for the next
presidential election ;-)

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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