Work and Free Energy -- The Dance of LEP on LEC: LO25628

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 11/13/00

Replying to LO25615 --

Dear At and LOers

> Every form of energy consists of two factors X (extensive) and Y
> intensive) such that the product X x Y expresses the amount of that form
> of energy. When a system gets scaled, for example divided or doubled,
> every form of energy gets scaled too (divided or doubled respectively).
> Should we go into that form of energy itself to see what happens to the
> complementary factors X and Y, the factor X gets scaled (divided or
> doubled respectively) while the factor Y does not get scaled, i.e. Y
> remains the same (invariant).


> In the majority of organisations which I had contact with, the call for
> "meeting the targets" is probably the most frequently heard in them.
> Magagement, usually employing a consultancy, expouse a number of targets
> for each job description which which members doing that job have to comply
> with. In our South African context, when targets are set, most of these
> targets have to do with production. Occasionaly the targets will also
> involve quality (when ISO certifications become "enforced"). Only seldom
> will these targets also involve satisfaction (customer and/or worrkers).

For the same reason when I design a Learning Management System it takes
into account the following pairings

(targets -time, cost, quantity)(skilled/ knowledge)
(targets) (motivation and commitment)
(targets) (learning capability- cognition)
(motivational behaviour) (motivation)

> The targets are usually evaluated by a target list for a job and a check
> list for each target of that job. Let us assume that when we add
> numerically all the expoused job targets together into one total, we get a
> quantity which we will call "target" and symbolise by T. The actual
> evaluation gives the targets met and by adding all these actual
> evaluations together we get the value of of T ("target"). Let us assume
> that the evaluations and the adding of them gives as sound value for T as
> for any physical quantity according to its mensuration and metrology.
> My first question now will be: Is T extensive or intensive? To find the
> answer, we will mentally have to scale (like divide or double) that
> organisation. Except for the upper level(s) of management, this mental
> excercise is easily imaginable. As for these exceptions in the highest
> levels, perhaps they are not too important because I seldom observed how
> they will allow themselves to be job targeted ;-) Since for every job
> (except for the CEO ;-) the number of workers have to be scaled (like
> divided or doubled), the jobe velauations will also become scaled so that
> the value of T also become scaled (divided or doubled). Thus the quanity
> "target" or T is extensive.
> My second question now will be: Since T is extensive, is it a factor or is
> it the product of two factors, one extensive and the other one intensive?
> The way in which I presently identify that the extensive quantity is like
> a X rather than a X x Y, is to see whether I can identify something
> complementary to it WHICH ITSELF is an intensive quantity. The two
> quantities X and Y are complementary to each other, but no product X x Y
> is complemetary to another product of complementary pairs. Sometimes my
> mind search for many moons so that out of desperation I have to conclude
> that the extensive quantity is a "extensive x intensive" pair rather than
> an extensive factor. I am not happy with this method, but it is the best I
> can come up with at present. The reason why I am not happy is that I often
> fail to become aware of any [Y(2) - Y(1)]x/_\X dynamics within that
> extensive quantity reckoned to be a pair.

Yes, you are dead right the outcomes are always extensive, I get a ratio
which can be divided
What I call a discriminated object (DO). This ratio can help managers make
good decisions on how to set new targets, that just have the appropriate
stretch in them. And the ratios are unique to each pairing, but there are
cross ratios and they would be very sensitive but I have not tested this
in practice.



Gavin Ritz <>

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