Replying to LO25614 --
Leo Minnigh wrote:
"Any structure - or better, organisation with a structure - has a becoming
history, a present (dynamic) state, and a future. "
I was struck by the beauty and simplicity of this statement in explaining
the becoming of structures. What struck me most was the starkness of "a
future". For me, a structure has 'multiple, possible futures'. And I am
left with the image of a poker player, taking another card or holding. I
wondered if that isn't what I do every minute of my life and how my
organization lives to. We (or I) come to this present, choose to take
something from the past (either good or bad) combine it or not combine it
with something in the present and create one possible future which
'becomes' the new present.
For example, this morning my wife and I disagreed about a course of action
we need to take on Friday. This morning I reached deep inside and
challenged her and shared how her words hit my emotional life. (my
actually sharing my feelings made her step back stunned a moment). What I
believe is that by 'choosing' in that present to share my feelings created
a different possible future than had I just agreed with her.
So I think a system has a becoming history, a dynamic present, and because
the present is dynamic, a system has multiple, possible futures. And that
the future can never be pinned down; clearly painted future is really the
present. If someone wants to change, great care must be given to the
dynamic present!?. The "material" that is around to create the vision in
the present will be supplemented by other "material" as the future is
made. I had a clear vision of what my life would look like once I had my
masters degree. But the many 'presents' of getting that degree changed
the vision. I stood with my degree in hand and actually said to my wife,
"This isn't what I thought it would be like". The one possible future
that I was standing in was different than the vision I once had. Because
as Leo said, the present is dynamic. So now Leo has me wondering if
successful change is about paying attention to the dynamic present. Oh
Zen! Thanks Leo.
Jim Vaillancourt
--"Jim Vaillancourt" <>
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