Hi Everybody!
I am a Ph.D. student at the department of sociology, Tel-Aviv University.
The focus in my research is on organizational learning processes in the
Israeli army (the IDF).
I have recently run into your 96' virtual discussion concerning
organizational-learning processes in the U.S military. Can you instruct me
of some relevant bibliography which I can use? I specially need references
of organizational-learning models which have bean implemented in the U.S.
military, research which was conducted in that filed etc.
Thank you very much,
Tzur Keren.
Tzur Keren,
Gan-Shlomo, 76802 Israel.
Tel: +972-8-9372973
Portable Phone: +972-54-308474
Fax (in USA): 1-509-756-5581
e-mail: tzur_k@mishkei.org.il
--"tzur" <tzur_k@mishkei.org.il>
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