Accomplishing Work; Showing appreciation LO25736

From: Richer, Robert A SBCCOM (robert.richer@SBCCOM.APGEA.ARMY.MIL)
Date: 12/04/00

Replying to LO25715 --

Knowledge is socially constructed (Jack Mezirow, Jurgen Habermas, John
Dewey [may be a little stretch] and, as such, it could be argued that
"Appreciation" of the other's contribution would likely bring more help
from others (positive reinforcement cycle). The positive reinforcement
cycle would then strengthen the relationships between folks causing the
strain and stresses of everyday life (Vail's "whitewater" and Kegan's "In
over our heads") to be more easily "rode out" by relationships.

Bob Richer

>One thing I like some discussion about is along the lines of
>"appreciation", and how and why we need to "appreciate" others in all
>aspects of our lives.


"Richer, Robert A SBCCOM" <robert.richer@SBCCOM.APGEA.ARMY.MIL>

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