Replying to LO25755 --
> [Host's Note: I often receive short general inquiries. This is one of the
> shortest and widest in scope! Seriously, it's hard to know how to help. If
> anyone has general pointers on these areas, please reply. ..Rick]
> Please Answer Following Questions:
> 1. Project Management
> 2. Designing
> 3. Leadership qualities
> 4. Conflict Management
> 5. Quality Management
> 6. Project Management
Well, Rick, compare these 'questions' with some others we are dealing with
a. Artist
b. Structure
c. Appreciation
d. Stewardship
e. Knowledge
f. Love
g. Theory
h. Modell
i. See
then the scope of C.Raghurajas mail doesn't seem too wide, does it? ;-))
And thank you, At, for your timely stewardship in 'Questioning and
Learning LO25721' which helps me to regain some control over an otherwise
increasingly intimidating scope, so as to sustain my leadership.
Liebe Gruesse,
Winfried (KiWiDressler)
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