Learning Processes in US Military LO25781

From: Joel Muzard (jmuzard@a-i-a.com)
Date: 12/13/00

Replying to LO25734 --

On Sunday December 3, Tzur wrote,

>I have recently run into your 96' virtual discussion concerning
>organizational-learning processes in the U.S military. Can you instruct
>me of some relevant bibliography which I can use? I specially need
>references of organizational-learning models which have bean implemented
>in the U.S. military, research which was conducted in that filed etc.

Also see Dr Jim Botkin Smart Bussiness book by Free Press


Dr Joel Muzard
Multiple Intelligences and Intellectual Capital Development
a-i-a.com  -->(Atelier d'intelligence Appliquee inc)
562-231-82-15 (Chile)
514-684-95-74 (Montreal)

--> ? Looking for an Innovative Knowledge Management Solution? see iWorkshop at: http://www.a-i-a.com

[Host's Note: In assoc w/Amazon.com

Smart Business : How Knowledge Communities Can Revolutionize Your Company by James W. Botkin http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0684850249/learningorg


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