Oh-So-OK Prairie LO25773

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 12/12/00

Replying to LO25753 --

At wrote,

>I promised myself when a similar misposting happened some days ago that I
>will have to take a rest because my mind might be slipping far too much
>for anyone's safety. It has happened and I will keep my promise.
>I am sorry that this misposting happened. Please forgive me.

>I have prepared a reply to Bill Mcqueen which I just had to, but
>otherwise I will not reply where I should have done so. He has has brough
>a topic to our LO-dialogue which I feel is crucial.

>I will now switch to "silent" mode as far as possible. May you all end
>this year with blessings to good for words so as to begin the new year
>spiritually revived --- lots of spiritual free energy, energy not bounded
>by your present organisation, energy with which you can organise anew.

>With care and best wishes

Dear At and Dear Learners,

While I have the utmost respect for your feelings. For myself I cannot
forgive the serendipity of your skippings At. It's perhaps just the
surrealist in me;-)

Some weeks ago I perhaps provocatively;-) cross posted-fertilized a
Lissack Complexity posting between your good self and the equally 'good
self' Frank. This was a risk even if only in etiquette terms because I
had not written to either of you to ask if I may do that stirring or
shaking action;-). You will also know that I planted a tiny seed on the
Complexity list in the summer, about my beloved 'Poppie'. I was struck
that a list that might appear quite purely esoteric and scientific 'in
extremis' was in fact another place of streaming conversations on ethics
and soft or emotion based topics. Sure, some of it is very technical, but
I just 'skip' those bits;-) I have read and learned a very great deal from
that diversity.

Rol was the first person I ever wrote to in order to aquaint myself with
the list's members, he spoke with respect of Ray and others. I have
publicly lamented the leaving of some contributors from this list and the
contribution they brought. I will not repeat myself here;-) But I was
pleased when Rol wrote to the list a few weeks ago;-)

My own topsy-turvy 'take' on the recent 'cross mailings' is that I would
like it if we were to make more holes in the partition that divides those
two list communities.

I would like to share a story sent me a few days ago. I think it is self
explanatory. Rol has recently (December) posted a wise nugget of just a
few lines on the topic of wisdom at the Complexity list. I suggest all
here go read it;-) but then I would worldn't I? Here is what my friend
wrote me...

>And the Natural Law Party can help with the yogic flying. They have some
>wonderful literature with pictures of people floating and how this has
>reduced crime on Merseyside. They stick it through your door if you live
>in Canterbury.

Which reminds me of my brother in law, who moved to Cambridge to make his
fortune running "warehouse parties", before the days of "Raves" and
"Exodus" etc.

To get free accomodation, he convinced the local Buddhist Centre that he
was one of them. It worked, but he had to do a convincing impression of a
Buddhist for about 3 or 4 months. Eventually, the night of the first
party arrrived, huge rig and everything, lights etc, and five people
turned up. (Andrew's note..should have been five hundred -- minimum;-)
They had a game of three and a half a side (football), and went home. End
of business, end of Buddhism. This was the early 'eighties and my brother
in law, Anthony, ((Patron St. of) lost causes;-) was living in Luton at
the time, which is where Exodus and the whole rave thing grew up almost
immediately after that; so I have this theory that my brother in law was
directly responsible for the "Rave" movement and "Exodus" nicked his idea

Today, at this moment, I am 'happening' and all the world is 'happening'
around me, and us. I am glad I am 'happening', I am also very glad that
you are 'happening' too At. May you continue 'happening' for a very long
time to come as it happens.





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