Replying to LO25800 --
Hi Rick,
He is an economist and expert on the economics of the internet, teaches at
"Ivy" while living out of the country. He said the list was general and
Season's Greetings to all
Ray Evans Harrell, artistic director
The Magic Circle Opera Repertory Ensemble, Inc.
New York City
"Ray E. Harrell" wrote:
> Rick, this was sent from a friend. Considering that he is one of the
> world's greats" in his area I thought you might enjoy the look through
> for the end of the year.
> Ray Evans Harrell
> [Host's Note: I'm always glad to distribute a good book list. Ray, can you
> tell us what kind of list this is? Or perhaps the "area" of your friend
> which might tell us the same thing. ..Rick]
> # A ...snip...
--"Ray E. Harrell" <>
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