Accomplishing Work; Showing appreciation LO25809

From: Judy Tal (
Date: 12/18/00

Replying to LO25801 --

Hello Andrew, and thanks for the quote:
>'Children at school should be vitalized, awakened, rendered appreciative
>of values and sensitive to truth."
> J.C. Smuts

In my post I was trying to make a practical remark - sharing the way it
worked for me.
If we put aside the pure and innocent tunes that your sensitive ear caught
:-))) we'll find a "How to..." comment - not much in common with pristine
deserts (I had to open a dictionary for this :-)).

It reminds me of my father (let him rest in peace). Born in Hungaria, he
became a victim, and later a survivour of racist regime - and therefore no
wonder that he had some built in racist prejudices himself.

In Israel, as an immigrant, he overacted politeness towards neighbours
that immigrated from north Africa. I noticed this, only when I was at my
late twenties, experienced enough and deep involved in the social reality
of my homeland.

I asked my father if he's aware of his overaction - and to my great
surprise, his answer was positive (I used to be very sofisticated at those
days ;-)).

Then I asked him why would he do such thing, and he answered naturally:

"Not to make them think that I belittle them".

Being, at that time a Ph. D. student in pure math, I had a very sensitive
ear for dubble negations, and therefore I said:

"So, you do belittle them, ha?"

To my surprise, again (!), he gave me a decisive "NO!".

Well, does it have to do anything with authentic showing of appreciation?
This is how it works:

When one feels that the appreciation he is going to show can be
interpreted as fake - It's a sign for him that more work has still to be

putting it formaly:

When X thinks that Y has a certain thought in his mind - Then X himself
has that certain thought in HIS mind ;-).
(this is what i understood from your post "Curling in the leaves of grass"
and from a conversation, a few month ago, with a dear friend)

... and I'll pay my quotation toll ;-)

"People work perfectly to accomplish what they are currently
accomplishing." NLP - not sure if from O'connor & Seymour's book.

Warm wishes to those who celebrate the Ramadan and/or Christmas and/or


Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL - Learning Cycles Ltd.
tel: +972 3 6997903
fax: +972 3 6902127
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