Replying to LO25823 --
Chris Klopper wrote:
>It is a very disturbing thing to see a large corporation, which provides
>employment for many thousands of people who in turn support even larger
>numbers of dependents, use all its energy just to maintain its present
>level of organisation. It means there is nothing (or very little free
>energy) left to put it on a course of ongoing strategic improvement. That
>in turn means that sooner - rather than later - it will relinquish it's
>vaunted and celebrated position of competitve advantage. Look at the
>FORTUNE 500 list at 10 year intervals and witness the very poor survival
>record of all but a select few.
Just to try out another perspective on this disturbance:
Although "I" am not conscious of the being/becoming of the cells in my
body, I have come to learn enough to be grateful 1.) that most of my cells
spend most of their energy to maintain their present level of organization
and 2.) that they don't insist on surviving as long as I can hope to live
only because they don't insist.
>It is even more disturbing to "take THOSE WORDS in your mouth" - as I have
>done with conviction and much enthusiasm, only to walk away feeling as if
>I charged a blank wall.
You may have confused information and knowledge. Your knowledge on free
energy may help you to decide what information to submit when and to whom.
>I practice as an Information Strategist.
I am curious to learn about what you have experienced on the relation of
information and knowledge.
Liebe Gruesse,
Winfried (KiWiDressler)
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