Definition of Half-life Knowledge? LO25848

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 01/08/01

Replying to LO25841 --

Hello Rick. Have life, no less; will share,

Knowledge, like happyness, love, togetherness can be increased by sharing.

To me, the issue seems to be that the viewpoint matters.
What is knowledge when one can apply an idea like half-life? To me that would
mean that knowledge is a kind a substance, an attribute of something that
decays. So it goes.
What is knowledge when one must manage it - like KM? To me that would mean
that it is something to be owned, controlled and protected. So it must be.
What is knowledge when one wants to apply an idea like doubling-time? To me
that would mean that knowledge is a process of generating and evolving ideas,
notion and relations. So it will go.
What is knowledge when one might apply ideas like happyness and love? To me
that would mean that knowledge is part of the searching for our soul. So it
might become.

Know-ledge consists of know-how, know-what, know-why and know-who. To me,
know-ledge is like the watch in the narrative of - who was it, Simon? -
the two watchmakers, Tempus and Hora. They both made a watch of 1000
parts. Tempus - or Hora - made it fast, in one bold stroke, putting
together the 1000 parts. Hora build it slowly, making sub-assemblies of
100 parts and then put these together. Every now and then, their work
would be interrupted - a customer? a sneeze? a meteor? an e-mail? - the
assembled parts would fall apart. In the long run, the slower Hora - or
was it Tempus - build more watches. The analogy would be that know-ledge,
the watch, is being assembled - although we're lacking a design - and that
sometimes we reach a stable sub-assembly (like Newtonian physics, like
Relativity, like Quantum Chromodymamics a.m.o.) and sometimes the parts
fall apart. The watchmaker could be a caring God (using the one bold step
to create being) or the laws of evolution, not-so-carefully mutating,
selecting and retenting or perhaps both. Who knows?

Kind regards,

Jan Lelie

Richard Karash wrote:

> The idea of half-life arises from physics and atomic energy. Any
> radioactive substance looses it's radioactivity in a pattern where it
> halves over a certain interval. Hence half-life.

With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,

Jan Lelie

Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan) LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development Mind@Work est. 1998 - Group Resolution Process Support Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 -

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