Wind and Moon LO25860

Date: 01/11/01

>"With no time limit on the inevitability, truth, like beauty, is a
>timeless conversation--to which shared silence may be one point of
>access. Eliot says somewhere in the Four Quartets that "only through time
>is time conquered," and that "to apprehend the intersection of the
>timeless with time is an occupation for the saint." Perhaps it's an
>occupation for all of us.

>From a LO post about six years ago.

Dear Learners,

"Material is void." Heart Sutra /Hannya Shingyo

You know;-) I looked up the word "facilitation" the other day. Apparently
it means "to make easy" and not "simple". I only make that distinguishment
because a lot of people who challenge me in my work and thinking seem
intent on seeing the act or acts of making simple as making easy and
vice-versa. "Facility" means according to the book I used "to do with
ease." Just right off the cuff, I wrote to someone who is genuinely
learned in complexity as a subject fit for learning;-) and he tacitly
agreed with my sentiments (thoughted<>feelings) that Only God was simple
and easy and everything the Creator created was Complex and then maybe in
ignorance of that becomes complicated. A living example of this kind of
experience in my life lived as that for example practitioners as
consultants and or employees in HR establishments say to me things along
the lines of (you see my point;-)...No, no, no. We do not understand, and
they (others) will not understand and ipso facto it's all "tosh". One gets
the impression it is "tosh" for now and today with them but that one day
it will not be so much ;-) "tosh". At this point of see a door and it is
closed. Is that a familiar feeling for anyone. Seeing people, many people
through the closed door of one person who acts like a controlling agent
but does not as 'themselves' have a perspective to see it that way?
Anyhow, when you go into it a bit deeper you suddenly find that these
simplifiers produce mountains of words, ideas and diagrams that seem to
perpetuate the very problems that simplicity is supposed to clear up
according to their theory from the fog of posited complexity. And you
know, this emergence of spirituality (sic) in the workplace I find
disturbing in this context because it seems to my simple mind that it is
more about generating personal stakeholder and shareholder monetary profit
than the increased capacity for spiritual metanoia that might follow the
more radical (change from the centre;-) of a genuine 'creative collapse'.

"My age: seventy four,
feeling colder than ashes,
Not ill but growing thin,
I'll make a smaller padded robe."
Ema Saiko's last poem. (9 months prior to her death;-)

Last year I quite deliberately cross posted from the 'complexity list' to
this LO list just to reflect that I cross read. Some of the minds writing
and reading there are very strange indeed;-) which maybe is what attracted
me there in the first place. Who knows? No, really, who knows? If you
"know" write and tell me you "know". I will send you some nice poem or
picture as a thanks. I would love to do that for you. I am longing to do
that for "simply anyone".

Rick said last year that 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. That is as
far as I recall an ancient chinese proverb. I wonder what role you think
"imagination" plays;-) in the birth of LO and if "imagination" is "simple"
or "complex" and if Einstein was right when he said that for him,
'imagination is superior to intelligence.' And, paradoxically, is the one
closer to the One most simple thing?

And if we could include the "excluded middle" between "intelligence" and
"imagination" what kind of step might that be to a reconciliation? What
kind of 'bridge' that is a 'gap' would that 'fulfil' in the 'aspirations'
of the collective imagination, maybe sleeping here for half the hours of
the clock... as it turns...?




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