Improvements, learning and change LO25870

From: Peggy Stuart (
Date: 01/12/01

Hi all:

I am interested in your thoughts on the following two points.

1. The relationship between improvements, learning and change. It seems to
me that you cannot have improvements of a product, service, product or
system without some kind of change, and you would not have change without
some kind of learning. If there is a strong relationship here, than to me
the difference between a TQM organization., a high performance
organization and a LO would basically be focus and maybe culture, at least
on some dimensions. Does anyone have any thoughts or know of any research
that has been done on this? (I did find an article that linked TQM to
learning organizations - "The learning organization: motivating employees
by integrating TQM philosophy in a supportive organizational culture" by
Steven W. Pool. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 21/8 (2000)

2. The relationship between initiative, innovation and risk. It seems to
me that you cannot tap into the new ideas, etc. within your organization
without your employees feeling free to take the initiative to bring them
forward, experiment, etc., which is impacted by their own individual
perceptions of risk. Again, does anyone have any thoughts or know of any
research that has been done on this?

Thanks very much!



Peggy Stuart <>

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