Replying to LO25889 --
Burt Perrin said:
> Thank you, Peggy, for your Chronology of Learning Organization Concepts.
> This is exactly the type of information I hope to see discussed on this
> List, which alas seems to be happening far too infrequently.
To quote the Team Learning Lab:
'You get what you give."
Any learning that we get from a list like this is dependent on the
contributions of others. I've been a member, off and on for a few years
now.. I used to post a lot, these days I mostly lurk and enjoy.
I think you'll find that if you post a nicely and intriguingly worded
request for specific information, you'll get lots of interesting replies
from other members, especially as you've just made a contribution with
your paper:
So why sit just hoping, when you can just ask?
Best wishes
--arthur battram <>
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